Saturday, January 27, 2007

Swallow Barn

Swallow Barn is the perfect american village. It has a mansion that is very old and worn out. Kennedy says that it should have been abandoned a long time ago. The roof was caving in and the door was falling off its hinges. The village has beautiful shrubs and a stream. The barn has terrible trees and a barn that is disjointed.
Kennedy was a very interesting author. He said that slave women were portrayed as being happy and liked working for him. He also stated that the women liked being home and taking care of the young, mischievous kids. Kennedy wrote about the stereotypes of the south. He wrote about people's places in society.
Frank is the owner of Swallow Barn. He has a good temper, good cheer, has a comfortable figure, and is handsome. A quote from the book states,"I think he prides himself on his personal appearance, for he has a handsome face, with dark blue eyes, and a high forehead that is scantily embellished by some silver tip locks."He dresses new and glossy. He goes to Washington one day because he wants to investigate politics there. He gets disturbed by what he hears. He comes back very pissed off at Congress. When he comes back he says he agrees with the things that John Adams says. "Frank relapsed into an indolent man of opposition." Frank became a public man and now thinks that a good citizen shouldn't solicit nor decline office. He thought that Virginia supports the Constitution very much. He agrees with the things that John Smith says. Frank still is very indecisive about congress though. When he's with his friends he goes back to his old self and the beliefs about congress that he once had before. He is all the stereotypes of a southern gentleman. He also is nice to his slaves so he's seen in good light with them. Frank thinks of himself as a high churchman and says that he goes all the time but nobody sees him there. He contradicts himself a lot.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

John Smith

It was interesting to learn about John Smith. I learned about many things that I did not know about him. I did not know that he wrote many myths and that he was one of the first ones to do that. A quote from The Literature of the American South states,"Although he was born in England and spent only three years in Virginia, Captain John Smith is generally considered not only the South's but also North America's first important literary mythmaker." In his myths he wrote about how people should colonize and that it is there duty to farm. He said if they don't do that then they're disobeying their religion and God. I also didn't realize how much John Smith was like Columbs. He behaved just like him in that he invaded the Native Americans land and took advantage of them. Killed many of them and took there land. Through all this he didn't realized that he was being the same bad man as Columbus. He lead an army and founded Jamestown. His pholosophy was that men that had good spirits and were hard working would get farther. He got recognition from England readers because he always wrote in the third person about himself and so people thought of him as a hero. He always said good things about himself and so they looked up to him. He also made many good comments about Virginia that it was a good place to live.
My feeling is that John Smith was a good man in that he taught people how to live life to the fullest and that they had a good life in Virginia. He was bad because he stole territory from the Native Americans.